Tuesday, April 7, 2009


"...oh so debonair..."
smooth is whatcha are. whatcha are.
when ima ridin in your car. in your car.

hey there i thought i'd just let you know.
that i think you're pretty fly.
more than i expected to allow myself to think
of you.
before i can catch my breath and before i can calm my glittering eyes that do all the talking even in the silent war-zone...
the grass i stood on is just sinking sand
and i can't see you anymore 'cause the dirts in my eyes
and im plunging right on through the earth
crossing my fingers for china.
cause you know we all wanna dig a hole to china.
but you're up there and im falling on through ugly ol' down here.
the worms and the rot grab at my particles
my particles are falling apart; my substance is a'falling apart
the glue that held me together is up on the surface as i sink to the ocean floor.
the crust the mantle the core.
the pressure pushes me, makes me implode.
i was tall and well filled out, now im withering, shrinking
dying just a bit faster
there aint no light down here
take it from someone who'd know.

dont try to understand the story meant to puzzle you
dont rock the boat
dont cause those problems, dear.
you just listen to your elders and listen close:
follow what they say, and dont rock the boat, dear.
they've been there before. and they're still on the boat.
live it play it safe. and you'll stay on the boat too.
dontcha wanna stay safe on that boat, dear? hmmm?

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