Tuesday, September 7, 2010

my agenda

I've wanted many things in life
I want fame and fortune and
maybe just to be somebody's wife.
I want to be that girl that can land
the job that nobody thought she could
i'll compose the songs and lyrics for
a work that promotes the greater good.
i'll heal the sick and feed the poor
i'll light a candle that starts a riot,
i'll yell my views and preach my words
but maybe all i'll want is quiet.
i'll hang with rockers, astronauts, nerds,
by osmosis i'll be something insane
trying the sh rooms, and testing the p ot
i'll build planes and cars and boats and trains
i'll plant pansies and forget-me-nots
in a garden i'll plant the prettiest flowers
they tell my stories, they'll whisper my poems
but only one's i've worked on for hours
people will beg and beg me to show 'em
but i'll just refuse and turn them away.
i'll tell them i just can't bear to reveal--
i've planned and planned all my days,
but never let my empty heart heal.
They won't take that answer--surely i lie
an empty heart could not beat in her chest
and over the fencepost they'll cast an eye
to see a few wilting buds and a lot full of dust.

(that sucked--i prefer free verse)

1 comment:

  1. Did not. It was awesome, like all the other ones. I wish I could write poetry like you... I'm more of a rambling story teller than an intelligent writer that picks my words carefully and tells the story without being too blatant about it. I wish I could be sneaky about it sometimes, like you.
