Sunday, May 16, 2010


how sweet it is to be loved by you.
how sweet the song that the thrush whispers
when the breeze has come to a stop
but the tripping creek keeps on stumbling
past our little world of affection.

how sweet the taste on my lips
to know that somewhere to someone
your matters completely matter
inside and out, you are needed
and deeply desired.

a thousand tired and tear-stained
goodbyes plague the afternoons
the sounds of violins become my only friends
and a hundred tiny ant soldiers take away the
tear drops in the dust.

but your love is like a diamond
you cannot be scathed by mere
conflict and confrontation--sneering
yelling voices that only wish to tear us
apart; your love is imperishable,
at least i can only hope, for in this sunlight
your countenance is nothing short
of divine.

divine? how deep the father's love for us
how vast beyond all measure
how deep is your love? might the
wallpaper slowly peel with time
and the attention slowly divert
itself.. might the tides erode the beaches
and the leaning towers threaten our
safety? might a thousand terra cotta
warriors haunt our dreams and
a tiny silver skyline foreshadow bigger
and better things?
is your punchline just a joke?
i'll never love again...

what is this anyway? is it sweetly love
to be tested under vicious waves
or a small school of fish that should
live only in the tidepools that are safe
and secure? could this be the end of the beginning
or should it be the beginning of the end?

love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs
tumbling around my brain, the words
and questions fall ascatter.
i don't know what tomorrow brings,
and i cannot understand what's best.
but for now, my love,
you are best, and
you are my tomorrow.

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