Monday, November 1, 2010

and from your lips she drew a hallelujah (egregious plagiarism)

oil spots on the (maybe there's a god
above-- but what did we ever learn
from love...?) face of heaven,
seven spaces for seven faces--
once there was a way... to get back home.

i'm running out of words to
describe the way our hands
fit together and the how of under
an umbrella of stars we nod our
heads into a lulling sleep.
(i don't mean to say that i slept
with you because, well, I didn't)
but someone tied bricks to my
eyelids and the gentle hum
of the air coming out of your
lungs filled my world
and clouded my ever cloudy
senses. (now, don't think i was
drunk or anything because, well
I wasn't. I never was) but
i'd give anything to start this
dream where it left off--
i'd give (now, don't think i was
dreaming of you because, wait...
I was...) ask me for a pack of dreams
like you'd ask for those bicycle
kings and queens--i'll wrap them
up and send them to you. or you
could collect them from my
anxious fist. every character
eerily... you? (now don't go thinking
i'm a creeper... well, just don't okay?!)
it's always here we are walking past the
swings, and there we are kissing
on a bridge.. why aren't there
any bridges here? (i can't see them)
(it's a cold and it's a broken--
mandolin of sorts that whines our
shaky love) i won't open my eyes
for fear the world still turns without
you. (for fear my world still turns
without you) tell me you're sorry,
no, don't do that. i'll dig the hole and
step into it, handing you the shovel,
crouching in the mud. i've already
dug the hole in the ground where
my body will rest. cheeky girl,
you'll say, pulling me back into
your world. (i'm sorry) or maybe i'll
give and take away, like i've done
for months now. maybe i just
crave the power... the power to
deprive. (take away my power.
just rip it from my selfish hand...)
(if i did it here's how) if i had multiple
personalities, one of their names would
be bitch.

you can say it's not true, but you've
known in your heart of hearts what
i've been all along. Could you bear
to stoop yourself to my level?
sometimes i wonder if i'm lost.
and then i ask when these thoughts
started sinking in, poisoning our
perfect fairytale--what have i said?
what am i saying?! i've poisoned
our fairy tale.

(this is the most ridiculous thing i've ever written.
just disregard.)

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